News: Key growth area of 2014; New idea for streetlights; Small businesses making HUGE impacts

Sustainable Packing ‘Essential Part of Business’ Sustainable packaging will be a key growth area in 2014 and beyond, according to Frost & Sullivan’s predictions for the global chemical, materials and food industry.

>At night, brightly lit office buildings are depressing — you know that either people are working too hard, or the building is wasting energy. Dutch mechanical engineer Chintan Shah looked at streetlights and saw a similar problem. Why light a path if no one’s walking or biking there? (Sorry, turtles. Guess you don’t count.)

Check out their Vimeo video here:

>The Milkweed Mercantile was named one of the top "green"small businesses by Green America earlier in December.

The mercantile is located in Dancing Rabbit Eco-Village, just north of Rutledge, Mo., and promotes a sustainable lifestyle centered on community. The Mercantile consists of a cafe and eco-inn, made entirely of sustainable materials. It was selected as a finalist for the award by a panel of experts in green living, then people from around the nation voted and named it the top green small business for travel.

>The NYC Department of Environmental Protection recently announced plans to install green infrastructure in eastern Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn as a means to prevent stormwater from polluting Newtown Creek. The proposed green infrastructure would use natural systems such as soil and vegetation as an effective stormwater management solution that would protect water quality while also beautifying the neighborhood. According to DNAinfo, Bed-Stuy’s green upgrade will be funded by water and sewer bills.
