Mission Statement:
to bring together individuals, organizations, and communities with shared sustainable objectives and to connect those in need with those that can provide.
The Association for Sustainability formed out of our work in supporting Greensburg, Kansas to become a model for sustainability in their recovery from a devastating tornado in 2007. We started as Greensburg GreenTown, a grass-roots community-based nonprofit with the mission of providing residents education and resources to make the incorporation of sustainable principles into the rebuild as easy and seamless as possible. In 2011, we expanded into Joplin, Missouri to provide similar services under the name GreenTown Joplin.
As we have worked over the years, the desire and need for education and support in disaster areas, and other communities across America, became more apparent to us as the story of Greensburg and our impact spread across the country and the world. We decided that to effectively expand our mission, scope, and services, we would need to reorganize. The Association for Sustainability was born out of this process.
Our approach is based on fellowship and encouragement, whether it is among neighbors in a community, or like-minded organizations across the country. Working together to encourage and support each others efforts will bring true change. We can accomplish more together than any one individual can do alone, and there are many benefits to be gleaned.
In an effort to build this network of support, encouragement, and inspiration, we have developed a number of strategies that we believe are the most effective way to carry out our mission.
Information Dissemination & Education
- There is no shortage of information available on environmental products, services, and methods of living, but people are often overwhelmed by the complexity of that information. We strive to provide unbiased, easy-to-understand information on key topics (especially those involving consumer products), making it accessible to people making choices. What we have found consistently in our work in Greensburg and Joplin is that people will make the best decisions if you make it easy for them to do so, especially when it involves new behaviors and technologies. To this end, we have developed the Sustainable Disaster Recovery Handbook, as well as a resource directory.
Sustainable Disaster Recovery Network (SDRN)
- Acting as a facilitator, we bring together individuals and organizations who are working toward common goals and we help them vision what's possible in communities, post-disaster. This network includes those who have been through the recovery process and want to "Pay it Forward" and help those who are going through it today. We are in the process of formalizing the infrastructure of this Network visualizing a combination of Big Brothers Big Sisters model combined with an internet dating site bringing together those that have something to give to those emerging from disaster.
Professionals in Sustainability Network
- This network organizes the myriad individuals working in the disaster recovery and planning sector, as well as various related industries, who share a common vision of integrating sustainability into communities across the country. The Sustainable Disaster Recovery Conference showcases the power of bringing individuals and organizations together to focus on common objectives and build relationships. This networking increases the effectiveness of everybody's efforts. We look to continue this role by facilitating monthly or quarterly meetings which would bring our core community together to discuss our shared objectives.
Site Visits
- We offer consultation and support services by sending staff, volunteers, and SDRN members into communities affected by natural disasters. These individuals are responsible for advocating for sustainable principles and practices, providing quality information and resources, advocating for other sustainable organizations working in disaster recovery, distributing our Sustainable Disaster Recovery Handbook, and to make connections and seek additional members for the SDRN.