General Disaster Recovery Resources

Natural Disaster Recovery Framework (PDF)  - FEMA

Disaster Assistance Agencies - U.S. Small Business Administration

Finance, Insurance, & Incentives

Post Disaster Financial Recovery - Emergency Management Agency, Niles, Ohio

Database of State Incentives for Renewable & Efficiency (DSIRE) - US. Department of Energy with the North Carolina Solar Center

Tax Incentives for Residential Buildings - U.S. Department of Energy

National Funding Opportunities - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Regional, State, and Local Funding Opportunities - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Disaster Loans - U.S. Small Business Administration

"Green Mortgages": Energy Efficient Mortgage Guide -

Energy Efficient Mortgage Program - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Federal Tax Credits for Consumer Energy Efficiency - U.S. Department of Energy

Rebuilding: Design & Construction

American Institue of Architects, Sustainable Design Assessment Teams - American Institute of Architects

Resilience Institute - (alex wilson org)

Low- and No-Cost Sustainable Building Strategies (PDF) - Association for Sustainability in partnership with Greensburg GreenTown and GreenTown Joplin

How to Find a Green Builder (PDF) - Association for Sustainability in partnership with Greensburg GreenTown and GreenTown Joplin

Green Materials InfoGraphic (PDF) - Association for Sustainability

Residential Construction

Green Building for Beginners -


GreenBuilder Homeowner's Handbook - GreenBuilder Magazine

Thirteen Elements of a Dream Green Home -

Green Energy Efficient Homes - Green Energy Efficient Homes, Inc

Commercial & Civic Building Construction

Improving the Energy Efficiency of Commercial Buildings - U.S. Department of Energy

Disclaimer: AfS does not necessarily endorse the views expressed on these sites and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information presented there.