Monarch Eco-Home
The disaster that struck Joplin on May 22, 2011 is on a scale few communities have ever had to deal with in the United States. While the tragedy is almost overwhelming in its scope, there are unique possibilities in the recovery. Already, the community has demonstrated its fortitude and courage in the clean-up and recovery and we at GreenTown are honored to play a small part in bringing Joplin back stronger and as a national model of what a community can be. We have many programs in place already and our primary objective is:
"To make energy efficient building and sustainable living easy accessible to reisdents of Joplin"
Among the many services we are providing in Joplin, one that has sparked a lot of interest is our Chain of Eco-Homes (CoEH). The CoEH are permanent demonstration projects that are open to the public and serve as community information hubs for sustainable and environmental initiatives at the local level. They act as information clearinghouses for sustainable building and living practices and explore the innumerable approaches to creating an energy efficient & healthy home environment.
The introduction of an eco-home in Joplin will provide residents with the opportunity to witness firsthand the construction of a sustainable home. Progress will be documented via the GreenTown website, as well as other publications as the opportunity arises, with detailed information about the process and products provided. Residents will be able to gain an intimate knowledge of the construction practices employed and learn invaluable tips and methods to consider in the reconstruction of their own homes. The construction site will also be open to visitors through tours and demonstration events.
Please stay tuned as we will be continually updating this page.